Different Massage Strokes That Therapists Use In Massage Treatment

Different Massage Strokes That Therapists Use In Massage Treatment

At the time of stress and anxiety, instead of going to the psychiatrist; try a massage and see the difference it can generate for you. When you are going for a massage therapy, in your depressive and anxious state, it will give you complete satisfaction from your problems.

In massage, therapists will be using specific hand movements or popularly known as strokes to give you the much-needed satisfaction. Here are a few top massage strokes that most of the therapists use in their massage services.

  1. Effleurage

Effleurage is that variant of massage stroke in which the therapists take long strokes. The experts are using one hand, two hand or hands with elbows to give the massage to the person suffering from pain and mental problems. In this massage, the therapists are working on a dedicated bod part. Their objective is to work on that body part and give maximum satisfaction for the person.

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  1. Petrissage

In the petrissage treatment, the therapists will be using kneading, rolling, wringing and other lifting techniques that will give you the pleasure and satisfaction to the body. While doing the massage, the therapists are using specific techniques that help in loosening the tight muscles of the body. As a result of that, the lymphatic flow increases, flushing away the toxins from the body.

When you are doing a regular 9-6 job and there is minimal hard work; it might result in the muscles tightening up. As a result, you might feel drained out in the work. With petrissage technique, that problems will wither away.

  1. Friction

In the friction massage, the therapists will be applying deep pressure on specific body part. As a result of that, the muscles can easily open up and the feeling of relaxation sets in. The therapists are using cross fiber friction technique and other specific movements for rectifying the problems in the body.

  1. Tapotement

In the tapotement massage, the therapists are using percussive strokes in a rhythmic manner. As a result of that, the stimulation of nerves, muscles and circulation happen in tandem with the mood upliftment.

The therapists are using hands, flat palms and soft fists to make sure that maximum gratification can follow up from the massage.

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  1. Vibration

In the vibration massage, the therapists are using specific rocking, shaking and other trembling movements. The movement is done using specific body parts like arms, legs and elbows. The therapists are using rapid movement or somewhat slow frictions to help subside the pain and suffering.

Sum Up

These are a few top techniques that therapists are using for giving the ultimate satisfaction and relaxation to the individuals who are in distress. We use these massage strokes while giving male to male body massage in Delhi and Mumbai to our customers. The feedback by our customers is amazing and motivating.